Centerpartiet In English
What is Centerpartiet, and what do we want?
The Centerpartiet (Center party) is a nationwide party, a popular movement open to everyone.
Centerpartiet is the Swedish political party that is part of local government in the most municipalities, even in Täby.
We are the green alternative in Täby, the party that cares about our local environment and protects Täby as an excellent place to grow up, live and age.
We want Täby to stand out as the number one place to live for a rich life in sports and outdoor life, culture, green areas for rest and recreation, and good nearby schools and workplaces.
The way we try to achieve this is rooted in our political idea program, where we establish:
"We believe in each person's right and ability to shape their future. Therefore, we want the power to be as close to people as possible."
The Centerpartiet web site is using Google Translate for its translation to English, we have tried our best to help it translate our Täby specific pages in an understanable way. Please visit the policy pages for more information about our politics in Täby. You will find them here (translation can be turned on at the top using the "Other languages" button).