
This is the Centre party pamphlet in english.
It can also be found in the link below as a PDF-file.
Hold the borDer!
For peace, liberty
and the climate
The EU is under threat. Externally, above all from Russia.
Internally, from climate deniers and populists, from both
left and right. You can help hold the border. Vote for the
Centre Party in the EU elections on 22 May â 9 June.
Solidarity must be funded
Murder, torture, the raping of women. Russiaâs crimes in Ukraine must end. Russia must lose its war of aggression.
But not just for Ukraineâs sake. For ours as well. Ukraine needs more aid, money and weapons. Our support will decide their future. Their future will decide ours.
- Double Swedish aid for Ukraine and send JAS 39 Gripen fighter aircraft.
- Seize Russian blood money in the EU and give it to Ukraine.
- Let Ukraine join the EU.
Stop climate deniers
â and climate delayers
We need the EU â not least as we now have a government in Sweden that is increasing emissions and delaying action on climate change. Emissions do not recognise national borders.
- The EU should therefore be used as far as possible to resolve the climate crisis and its challenges.
- Increase action on climate change in both the EU and Sweden. Right now.
- Withhold EU funding for those countries in the Union that fail to take action on climate change.

Stand up to hate
Racists, homophobes and anti-feminists are forming groups. They threaten our liberty and want to turn back the clock by decades. The time has come for all good forces to stand up for compassion and tolerance.
- Make sure that non-democratic countries can be excluded from the EU.
- Parenthood that is recognised in one EU Member State must be valid in all EU Member States, even for families with two mothers or two fathers.
- The right to abortion must be a fundamental right throughout the EU.
Rogue states should receive neither funds nor surveillance equipment
We must protect values such as liberty, democracy, equality, human rights and the importance of the rule of law. The EU must stand up to all dictatorships and undemocratic expressions.
- Make sure that the EU does not export surveillance equipment to dictatorships.
- Withhold EU funding from Member States that abandon democratic principles.
- Surveillance of people using AI and facial recognition, as used in China, must be banned in the EU.
Hold the border!
For more than 110 years, the Centre Party has been fighting for the little people against supreme power and intimidation. So that more decisions can be made at home, at the kitchen table. For the whole country, for the environment and the climate.
We are now seeing so many things, once considered unthinkable, actually happening. Boundaries being shifted, red lines crossed and standards broken.
This is why we need people in Brussels who will hold the border.
Who stand up for peace, liberty and the climate. Who hold the border against climate deniers, xenophobia and Russia. But who also hold the border for what the EU should and should not do. The EU should dedicate itself to major issues that Member States must resolve together. Not regulate Swedish forests or Swedish snus down to the smallest detail.
Who â when more and more people start to abandon their convictions and break their promises â stand firm and speak out: Hold the border!
Vote for peace, liberty and the climate.
Vote for the Centre Party in the EU elections
22 May â 9 June.
Abir Al-Sahlani, Muharrem Demirok, Emma Wiesner och Svante Linusson